Simply Delicious Cashew Cream – or Milk (Vegan | Dairyfree)

I am seriously in love with cashew cream (and cashew milk). It’s a staple in our fridge, as we use it regularly instead of dairy  in coffee, orange pekoe tea, soups, pastas… even desserts. It always delivers.

This drinkable goodness is not only delicious and creamy, but super easy to make, provided you have a decent blender. 


  • Cashews, raw, unsalted. 1/4 to 3/4 cup per cup of milk / cream.
  • Water
  • Optional boosts: date, vanilla extract, maple syrup, hint of salt

How thick do you want it?

  • For milk, use 1/4 cup-1/3 cashews to 1 cup water
  • For cream, use about 3/4 cup cashews to 1 cup water.


  • Soak cashews. Place them in their future storage container (e.g. a mason jar). Add cold water and let sit for for a few hours (or overnight) – or speed things up with 20 mins in freshly boiled water. I have been known to skip this step in a pinch but it does help bring things to an extra level of smoothness. 
  • Put cashews and water in blender.
  • Blend like crazy.
  • Taste and add optional boosts if desired (see note below)

Store in fridge for 5-7 days.

Dates or no dates?

To match the sweetness of cow milk, add 1-2 dates per cup (cow milk has 12 grams sugar per cup!). I don’t usually add any.


Per cup (using 1/4 cup cashews per cup water).  This stuff is not light, it’s comparable to homogenized milk.

Nutritional data should only be viewed as rough estimates. % Daily Values vary with age, weight, and other factors

Photo credit: Fraiche Living

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