Intuitive Eating & Weight Neutral Strategies

Join Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro, a scientist and nutrition coach, to learn about intuitive eating and the benefits of “weight neutral” approaches to eating.

Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro is a certified health and sports nutrition coach with a PhD in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise from Virginia Tech.

Through science and personal stories, she explains why rehabilitating our relationship with food, and lifting self-imposed bans on “bad” foods, can be both liberating and healthy. Fundaro describes the basic principles of intuitive eating, how it intersects with mindful eating, and who may benefit from this approach.

This episode is the second piece of a two part conversation. In part one, Dr. Fundaro sheds light on the anti-diet movement, weight stigma, and the (imperfect) link between health and body size.

Find more of Dr. Fundaro’s work on social at @vitaminphd and at