

I believe that one of the most important, and most challenging, health issues of our time is our obsession with all things sweet.

I’m not just talking about birthday cake. Sugar is everywhere – just check out the recess snack scene, open any lunchbox, or browse the snack section at any grocery store or cafe. 

To help families fight back against sugar overload,, I kicked off my first ‘campaign’ – it’s called “#celebratesavoury”. The goal of my campaign is to fight sweet with savoury. If we can cultivate a taste for savoury foods in ourselves and our children, we won’t be so dependent on sugars for satisfaction. 

I will be sharing family-friendly savoury snacks and recipes, as well as ‘tidbits’ about the science of taste on Instagram and Facebook.


How to participate:

  • Go big and try the “savoury swap” challenge! Pick a meal that is typically sweet (e.g. afternoon snack) and swap out a savoury option for a full week. Experiment with different options.
  • Dial down a bit and simply try out a few new savoury foods each week. Expect to need repeat tastings, especially for kids.
  • Share your own food photos on Instagram or Facebook using hashtag #celebratesavoury and @fueledbyscience. 
  • Respond to my food photos and tips on Instagram or Facebook.

Note: I’d like to keep this campaign vegetarian to be consistent with my pro-plants mission.